Customer Loyalty APP

Goals: Understand retail customers perspective about frequent buyer compensations and combine them with the commercial strategies of the small business retailer to produce an efficient platform based on a points trade system.

Stimulate constant commercial interaction by gamifying the user experience, pushing status notification updates reminding the customer how close they are to redeem the next freebie, using geolocation to indicate the proximity to one's favorite business establishments and monetizing the earning points system.

  • Credits: IA UX UI
  • Time: 5 Months, 2019
  • Class: Customer Loyalty
  • Client: Poontoz
Chrome Chrome Chrome

Information Architecture

APP UX Wireframes

Gallery Thumb 1 Gallery Thumb 2 Gallery Thumb 3 Gallery Thumb 4 Gallery Thumb 5 Gallery Thumb 6 Gallery Thumb 7 Gallery Thumb 8 Gallery Thumb 9 Gallery Thumb 10 Gallery Thumb 11 Gallery Thumb 12 Gallery Thumb 13 Gallery Thumb 14 Gallery Thumb 15 Gallery Thumb 16 Gallery Thumb 17 Gallery Thumb 18 Gallery Thumb 19 Gallery Thumb 20 Gallery Thumb 21 Gallery Thumb 22 Gallery Thumb 23 Gallery Thumb 24 Gallery Thumb 25 Gallery Thumb 26 Gallery Thumb 27 Gallery Thumb 28 Gallery Thumb 29 Gallery Thumb 30

GUI Template

Gallery Thumb 1 Gallery Thumb 2 Gallery Thumb 3 Gallery Thumb 4 Gallery Thumb 5 Gallery Thumb 6 Gallery Thumb 7 Gallery Thumb 8 Gallery Thumb 2 Gallery Thumb 3 Gallery Thumb 4 Gallery Thumb 5 Gallery Thumb 6 Gallery Thumb 7 Gallery Thumb 8

GUI Mockup